Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: Introduction to Time Value of Money
Lesson 3: Evaluating Financial Position of the Client
Lesson 4: Debt Management & Loans
Lesson 5: Introduction to Indian Financial Market
Lesson 6: Securities Market Segments
Lesson 7: Introduction to Investments
Lesson 8: Equities
Lesson 9: Fixed Income Securities
Lesson 10: Derivatives
Lesson 11: Mutual Funds
Lesson 12: Portfolio Manager
Lesson 13: Alternative Investment Funds
Lesson 14: Modern Portfolio Theory
Lesson 15: Portfolio Construction
Lesson 16: Performance Measurement and Evaluation
Lesson 17: Operational Aspects of Investment Management
Lesson 18: Regulations
Lesson 19: Ethics
Lesson 20: Grievance Redress Mechanism